Wise Pod RGB USB Interface + Software 7 Button White


SKU: WISEPOD7 *USB* Category: Tags: , ,


The Wise Pod RGB USB Interface + Software is a 7 Button Wise Pod with built-in USB port that can be connected to a computer and programmed using the included PC software to create custom colours and transition timings on certain Wise Chameleon Master packs.

The included Wise Pod remote has two modes of operation; PC mode and stand alone mode:

  • PC Mode: The Wise Pod remote is permanently connected to a PC via USB cable. The user can define their own colours and transition timings using the software and transmit/preview them through the Wise Pod remote which in turn is wirelessly connected to a Wise Chameleon Master pack with connected RGB lights
  • Stand Alone Mode: The Wise Pod remote is connected via USB cable to a PC as in PC mode to define colours and transition timings. These are memorised on the Wise Pod remote. It can then be detached from the PC. Pressing the round button and any of the 7 buttons on the remote will automatically program a Wise Chameleon Master pack with the set colours and timings configured previously on the PC software

This product can only be used in conjunction with the Wise Chameleon Master 350mA 21W
and Wise Chameleon Master 12V/24V 150W/300W colour change receivers. The PC software is compatible with Windows 2000 and Windows XP 32 bit operating systems, as well as all versions of Windows Vista and Windows 7. The battery life lasts up to 2 years.

More details on the Wise Pod remote and PC software can be found on the downloads tab.

Wise Controls Introduction Video

Additional information

Dimensions 42.0 × 122.0 mm
