Product Demos and Displays

Wise Direct Showroom Display

The Wise Direct products enable you to control circuits on/off, set up timers, set up dusk till dawn, all from your phone.

Interested in stocking Wise Direct Products?

If you would like more information on our Wise Controls Products including product demos and Showroom Displays get in touch to book a meeting.

wise direct box display

Wise DimLED Scene Receiver Showroom Display​

The Wise Scene Leading & Trailing Edge Dimming Receiver is a 100W 240V
dimmer that is controlled by wireless switches or by a push-to-make switch.

Interested in stocking Wise Receiver Products?

If you would like more information on our Wise Controls Products including product demos and Showroom Displays get in touch to book a meeting.

Wise Fusion Dimmer Showroom Display

Our Wise Fusion Smart Dimmers are a retro dimmer based around two technologies: electronic dimming and wireless communication. Now with a
neutral for improved LED dimming.

Interested in stocking Wise Fusion Dimmers?

If you would like more information on our Wise Controls Products including product demos and Showroom Displays get in touch to book a meeting.